Photography series: Life of a nomad '' The vicinity of the capital of South Sudan. 
All Copyright Agnieszka Balut. 2019.
Nomad, wanderer, member of a group of people without permanent residence, who move from place to place, e.g. due to changes in the weather or in search of food, water, fuel or pasture for farm animals. A person who leads a nomadic, itinerant lifestyle, whether or not he travels permanently or seasonally for
commercial, cultural or religious reasons.
South Sudan Tribal Conflict - The competition of nomadic tribes for natural goods started in 2009. The conflict has resulted in thousands of victims and hundreds of thousands of people who have left their place of residence.
The basis of the conflict of nomadic tribes was primarily the desire to seize lands with limited natural resources, having drinking water, fertile pastures, in the face of shrinking lands. In addition, the fighting areas were affected by drought. Hostile tribes also carried out plunder attacks in order to seize animals, e.g. cattle. Another reason was ethnic disputes.
 Moreover, South Sudan is a very unstable country due to the effects of the civil war.


Series of photographs:
Nuer ethnicity Juba/ Sud Sudan 2019. Internally Displaced Persons.
All Copyright Agnieszka Balut

Like refugees, Internally Displaced Persons are civilians forced to flee war or persecution. 
Unlike refugees, however, they do not cross a recognized international border.
 They therefore remain within the country of origin.
Nuer ethnicity, locked up in the Camp of Displaced Persons under UN protection in the capital Juba/ Sud Sudan 02. 2019

Series of photographs:,,Opera under construction- Hamburg,, Copyright Agnieszka Balut.
Series of photograph
,,Daily transportation in Venice,,
Copyright Agnieszka Balut.

Series of photographs: ,,Fatima,,
Copyright Agnieszka Balut
Series of photographs:,,Roma still life,,.
Copyright Agnieszka Balut.
Series of photographs: ,,Carnevale de Rio de Janeiro,, Copyright Agnieszka Balut
Series of photographs: ,,Urban landscapes Mezzovico,, All Copyright Agnieszka Balut.
Series of photographs: Swiss Bodypainting..... Copyright Agnieszka Balut. 
Series of photographs: Swiss Bodypainting..... Copyright Agnieszka Balut. 

Series of photographs: Carnevale Bellinzona..... Copyright Agnieszka Balut.

The Bell...

Series of photographs: The bell from the old church in the big city and other habits of the one fraternity..... Copyright Agnieszka Balut.

Why, in Brazil we can meet so many religions, cults, beliefs, religious philosophy? What are the origins of religious syncretism among Brazilians? Religious syncretism born of the merger of three cultures and faiths - Indian, African and European.Brazil is a young country - a dozen years ago, celebrated the 500th anniversary of its discovery by Europeans. Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and French, coming here, found the Indians- their culture, language and religion. Portuguese, as explorers, began to organize a "new world" order of "old world", according to european models. They forced the Indians to work. The Indians, not prepared to work systematically, began to flee into the bush. Whites killed many Indians.Thus began the sixteenth century, bringing slaves to Brazil from Africa, from Nigeria, Sudan, Angola and Mozambique.African slaves came with their own religious tradition and philosophy of life. Portuguese, who were catholics, forced African slaves to profess the catholic faith. So, without preparation, on the strength of priests, at the request of the masters, slaves were baptized en masse. According to the social mores of the time they were obliged to confess the faith of his owner- master.Officially, the slaves were catholics, prayed in catholic churches, which they built, but in the spirit yearned for their gods, beliefs and traditions. Not wanting to conflict with the lords, who did not accept African beliefs, they began using their cult statues of Jesus, Virgin Mary and Catholic saints, giving them new names, names of deities in Africa, so called -Orixas.
So:Jesus is identified with OXALA - the most important deity in the hierarchy of African deities
MOTHER OF GOD - Iemanja, the queen of the seas and waters in the African tradition
St.Jerome is Xango, the god of lightning, storms and justice
St.GEORGE - OGUM, god of warst.
St.BARBARA - Lans, the goddess of the winds
St. Lazarus and ST. ROCH - XATENA - the god of disease
St. SEBASTIAN - OXOSSE - god of hunting
St. Bartholomew - OXUNARE - the god of rivers
St. Cosmas and St. DAMIAN - IBEJI - god of twins
The Holy Spirit is identified with the IFA
SATAN was named EXU - god of evil, used by all the gods to send messages to mortals.
Series: ''Religious syncretism in Brazil''. Copyright Agnieszka Balut.

Corrida, popular in the Spanish-speaking countries show,the unequal struggle between people and bull. It takes place on a specially prepared arena in a circle with a fence, behind which there are spaces for the audience.In fact,this looks like urban slaughterhouse bulls in front of audiences. The most famous arena, called the Plaza de Toros, located in Spain - in Madrid, Seville and Valencia. Killing any animal takes about 20 minutes and consists of several stages. The meat of the poor bulls is then sold. This is a powerful industry.
Series of photographs,''Man versus bull - the municipal slaughterhouse in Madrid'' Copyright Agnieszka Balut

Series: Street photography- Buenos Aires. Copyright Agnieszka Balut.

Primitive form of tango, having appeared in the late eighteenth century. Initially, they danced in the clubs and brothels. Tango was one of the first dance, in which man and woman embraced in the dance. Tango was originated in the tradition of Spanish and flamenco habanery, transplanted to the ground in South America, and mixed with "candombe" which danced and sang on street parades, African slaves, with its characteristic instrument-bandoneon. Classic Argentine tango is a dance characterized by improvisation and the proximity of the partners. Lyrics of the tango is usually sadness or heartbreak. His origin and very strong hot erotic dance, provoked many voices of protest. Development of Argentine tango is mainly related to Argentina and Uruguay. From the beginning of the twentieth century comes tango relationship with brothels and the fact that at that time a lot of prostitutes in Argentina came from the eastern Europe. By some person, causes of emigration of Polish and Ukrainian Jewish women to South America was anti-semitism and poverty. Contrast, causes rapid growth of prostitution in Argentina and Brazil was imbalance between women and men, which had a direct impact on the development of tango.

According to people, with which I spoke in Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires, the truth was more cruel. These women believed that they were going to South America in order to marry a rich man, from their religion. Instead they, these women stayed sold to brothels. Could move around the city only in separate municipal trams. Were buried in cemeteries outside the city.

Series of photographes: ''La Boca- Tango - Buenos Aires- Directly''.Copyright Agnieszka Balut

The story of one man. Series of photographs- ''Human story about one man nameless''. Copyright Agnieszka Balut.

...need to empower scavengers, who are responsible for 89% of all waste is currently recycled. Even today, Brazil recycles one percent of its capacity. If the new policy, the goal is to reach ten percent,will have a very large demand for materials. Cooperatives need infrastructure, investment in trucks, machinery, to transport all this demand. Need to understand much more than logistics, planning, route......Series of photographs - ''Gramacho''. Copyright Agnieszka Balut.

A series of photographs'' Complicated life on the street'' - Latin America. Survival and life on the streets of the city
(9 milion inhabitants). Copyright Agnieszka Balut.

Favela da Mare in Rio de Janeiro is not a slum, but a compound of slums,several communities together,as if they were different quarters,an almost - informal city with about 150.000 inhabitants. The beginning of the occupation executes in the area of the Favela da Mare felt in the decade of 1940 - period of stronger proliferation of slums in Rio de Janeiro.The comparison of the space of the slum with the myth of the maze is inevitable.In a lot of civilizations, the maze is the symbol of the difficult tests, for the she should pass to penetrate in a new world or in a new state of mind. But a great difference exists between slum and the Greek mythical maze projected by Dédalo - the architect. The slum doesn't have any previous plant; she was not drawn, projected. The maze - slum is more complex, because it is not fixed, finishing, is in constant transformation.
Series of photographs-''Waiting for hope''.Copyright Agnieszka Balut.