Primitive form of tango, having appeared in the late eighteenth century. Initially, they danced in the clubs and brothels. Tango was one of the first dance, in which man and woman embraced in the dance. Tango was originated in the tradition of Spanish and flamenco habanery, transplanted to the ground in South America, and mixed with "candombe" which danced and sang on street parades, African slaves, with its characteristic instrument-bandoneon. Classic Argentine tango is a dance characterized by improvisation and the proximity of the partners. Lyrics of the tango is usually sadness or heartbreak. His origin and very strong hot erotic dance, provoked many voices of protest. Development of Argentine tango is mainly related to Argentina and Uruguay. From the beginning of the twentieth century comes tango relationship with brothels and the fact that at that time a lot of prostitutes in Argentina came from the eastern Europe. By some person, causes of emigration of Polish and Ukrainian Jewish women to South America was anti-semitism and poverty. Contrast, causes rapid growth of prostitution in Argentina and Brazil was imbalance between women and men, which had a direct impact on the development of tango.
According to people, with which I spoke in Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires, the truth was more cruel. These women believed that they were going to South America in order to marry a rich man, from their religion. Instead they, these women stayed sold to brothels. Could move around the city only in separate municipal trams. Were buried in cemeteries outside the city.
Series of photographes: ''La Boca- Tango - Buenos Aires- Directly''.Copyright Agnieszka Balut